Charity PhotoSesh at the 2017 Crawfish for Cancer LA Boil
(link to gallery at the bottom)
We had a blast with this special charity PhotoSesh photographing hundreds of fun people as they chowed down on some good ol' southern cookin. Sun was shining down on these young "do-gooders" in great spirits as they were contributing to a great cause. Money raised was to benefit CFC's mission to help fund research in fighting Multiple Myeloma! What a great organization! Bravo to everyone involved!
PhotoSesh credit goes to one of our favorite PhotoSesh photogs:
Steven Gaskin of Steven Jay Photo
You can ALSO find HIM right on the free PhotoSesh App!
About the Charity
Started in 2008, Crawfish for Cancer (CFC Inc.) is dedicated to fundraising for multiple myeloma cancer research. By hosting events that cater to young professionals we are able to provide much needed funds in the fight against this currently incurable disease.
The passion for this cause is a result of the founder of CFC, Inc.’s father having had multiple myeloma. Lieutenant Colonel Lorenzo Mayo Crowell, USAF, Retired passed away as a result of multiple myeloma in March 2014.
Multiple Myeloma & the MMRF
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of your plasma cells, a type of white blood cell present in your bone marrow. Plasma cells normally make proteins called antibodies to help you fight infections. In multiple myeloma cancer, a group of abnormal plasma cells (myeloma cells) multiplies, raising the number of plasma cells to a higher than normal level. Since these cells normally make proteins, the level of abnormal proteins in your blood also may go up. Health problems caused by multiple myeloma can affect your bones, immune system, kidneys and red blood cell count
We at CFC, Inc. aren’t qualified to do cancer research; therefore we turn over the success of our efforts to those that are qualified. Since 2009, our success has benefited the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, donating $400,000 to the MMRF as of 2016.
To participate, contribute, or learn more please visit:

PhotoSesh credit for this goes to one of our favorite PhotoSesh photographers:
Steven Gaskin!
You can find him right on the PhotoSesh App CLICK HERE!
Click HERE to View All the Pics of the Event!